Thursday, May 30, 2013

Basic and Easy Men Skin Care Tips

In the past, skin care used to be all about catering to women’s needs. Men traditionally spend less time caring for their skin than women do although it is a well known fact that men’s skin has to deal with exposure to harsher environments than their female counterparts. As more and more companies devote their time to developing new men skin care products to help men achieve perfect skin, one may feel pressured to make a lot of changes to their daily routine. However, this need not be the case; with a few simple tips, you could be well on your way to younger, healthier skin.

Start by ditching that bar of soap that you have been using on your face. Bar soaps are great for stripping almost everything from the skin which makes them ideal for washing other parts of your body but not your face. As such, you need to make the switch to gentler facial products such as facial cleansers which will actually help your skin instead of hurting it.

Secondly, you might want to switch your aftershave especially if you are currently using an alcohol-based one. Such aftershaves are known to create a burning sensation when applied to one’s face soon after shaving. Shaving helps by gently exfoliating your skin; any nicks or cuts may, therefore, intensify the burning sensation felt when aftershave is applied. To avoid burning your skin, choose a shaving balm that doesn’t have any alcohol. Moreover, facial moisturizers have been known to work just as effectively.

Most men may have heard about moisturizing and the need to do so but probably haven’t applied the same to their own daily routine. While it may seem new at first, moisturizing is perhaps the most important change you can make to your daily routine to really see results. As the skin is exposed to harsh environments every time you go out to work or to the gym, it loses quite a bit of moisture which needs to be replenished regularly. Failure to moisturize often results in dry skin that makes one look much older than they actually are. As such, be sure to moisturize your skin at least once each day.

Lastly, be sure to take care of your lips. While it may be the last thing on your to-do list, proper lip care could very well mean the difference between an awesome night out on the town and an awful one. Probably every guy knows what it is like to have chapped, scaly lips and licking them only serves to make the situation worse. To avoid this scaly problem, be sure to carry around a chap stick or lip balm to care for your lips.

Men skin care is no longer taboo, as today's men know how important it is to take care of themself if they want to look younger and more attractive.

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